Landsbanki Ķslands var meš skyldutryggingu hjį Breska tryggingasjóšnum


Annars mįtti hann ekki opna ICEsave reikningana ķ Bretalandi.

Žessi trygging tók viš žar sem heimatrygging Landsbankans žraut.

Breski tryggingasjóšurinn, FSCS greiddi ICEsave reikningseigendum śt žessa tryggingu viš hrun bankans.

Breski tryggingasjóšurinn į sķšan endurkröfurétt į žrotabś bankans, ekki ķslenska rķkiš.

Og breski tryggingasjóšurinn mun endurheimta sitt fé žegar greišslur hefjast śr žrotabśi bankans.


Einfaldara og augljósara getur ICESave mįliš ekki veriš.  

Nema į Ķslandi lįta fjölmišlamenn og stjórnmįlamenn eins og žeir viti ekki aš žessari skyldutryggingu Landsbankans, og ręša um skuldbindingar Ķslands, ręša um hinar ólöglegu fjįrkröfur breta eins og einhver stoš sé fyrir žeim.

Og žaš er lįtiš eins og hótanir ESA byggist į einhverjum lagagrunni, eša eigi sér einhverjar stošir ķ raunveruleikanum.


Alvöru žjóš vęri fyrir löngu bśin aš stefna breskum stjórnvöldum, fyrir breskum dómsstólum, vegna tilrauna žeirra til aš ręna ķslensku žjóšina, og hśn vęri bśin aš stefna ESA fyrir grķmulausa ašstoš viš fjįrkśgun.

Žvķ burtséš frį žvķ aš žaš er ekki rķkisįbyrgš į innlįnstryggingasjóšum, žį voru breskir višskiptavinir Landsbankans meš fulla tryggingu hjį sķnum eigin innlįnstryggingasjóši, sem stendur vel og er ekki farinn į hausinn.

ICEsave kśguninn byggšist žvķ aldrei į neinu raunverulegu heldur var skyndihugdetta Darlings sem hann fékk haustiš 2008 til aš draga athyglina frį veikri stöšu breska bankakerfisins sem rambaši į barmi gjaldžrots. 

Og hann komst upp meš hana žvķ žaš var ekki tekiš į móti honum.


Og er ekki enn.

Ennžį hefur enginn alžingismašur lagt fram žingsįlyktunartillögu um mįlsókn į hendur bretum, um mįlssókn į hendur ESA.

Žvķ allir eru žeir ennžį meš höfuš ķ sandinum.


Og į mešan er ķslensku žjóšinni hótaš śt aš einhverju sem var aldrei.

Kvešja aš austan. Endurheimtur 756 milljónir punda
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Eggert Gušmundsson

Gott hjį žér Ómar. Ekki veitir af aš minna į sannleikann ķ Icesave malinu.

Gott vęri aš hnżta inn ķ umręšuna kęrubréf Lofts og Pįls til ESA vegna įrįsar breta og hollendinga į ķslendinga. Žetta bréf sendu žeir sem žegnar Ķslenska lżšveldisins.

Eggert Gušmundsson, 7.7.2011 kl. 11:19

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Geirsson

Blessašur Eggert.

Mig vantar umręšuflötinn til aš tengja viš, annars vęri ég bśinn aš fjalla um žaš.  Mjög lofsvert framtak, eitthvaš sem alžingismenn okkar męttu taka sér til fyrirmyndar.  Aš gera eitthvaš til aš halda uppi vörnum fyrir žjóšina.

Annars žarf aš halda žessu lifandi, žaš tekur alltaf tķma fyrir stašreyndir aš sķjast inn ķ umręšuna.

Ég man til dęmis aš veturinn 20008-2009 žį peistaši ég endalaust ķ bréf žeirra Stefįns og Lįrusar, bęši hér og einnig mikiš ķ athugasemdarkerfi Egils Helgasonar.  Gleymi žvķ svo ekki mörgum mįnušum seinna žegar ég var spuršur af ICEsave andstęšingi, "hvaša greinar??".

Og smįtt og smįtt komust ašalatriši mįlsins inn ķ umręšuna, žaš er aš žaš var ekki rķkisįbyrgš, en žaš žurfti endalaust aš hamra į žvķ, og viš vorum ekki mörg sem geršu žaš upphaflega, nįlgun flestra var aš žetta vęri ósanngjarnt og aš nęr vęri aš innheimta žennan pening hjį fyrrum eigendum bankans.  Sem gat alveg veriš rétt en ķslenska žjóšin įtti ekki aš vera millilišur žar um.

Eins eru žaš žessar upplżsingar Lofts um tryggingu LĶ hjį breska tryggingasjóšnum.  Sś stašreynd afhjśpar algerlega mįlatilbśnaš breta.  

Žaš er ef hśn kemst ķ opinbera umręšu.

Og žangaš žurfum viš aš koma henni.

Kvešja aš austan.

Ómar Geirsson, 7.7.2011 kl. 13:23

3 Smįmynd: Eggert Gušmundsson

Sęll aftur Ómar. Ég set bréfiš hans į sķšuna žķna og žś getur skošaš žetta.  Žetta er tekiš af sķšunni hans Lofts.

Kvörtun til Framkvęmdastjórnar ESB vegna brota Bretlands og Hollands



Commission of the European Union
Rue de la Loi 200B-1049
Reykjavķk, 25. June 2011

Inquiry and preliminary complaint:
Regards the EU Commission’s responsibility to investigate and process a complaint directed at Britain’s and the Netherland’s breach of the EEA principles of “free movement of capital” and “the freedom to provide services”.

1.    According to the EEA Agreement, “free movement of capital” and “freedom to provide services” are fundamental rights granted to all citizens of the EEA states.

2.    According to Article 109(1-5) of the EEA Agreement, the EU Commission has the obligation to monitor the fulfilment of the agreement by EU states. Complaints regarding the performance of EU states shall be directed to the EU Commission and shall be examined by the EU Commission and brought before the European Court of Justice.

3.    We citizens of Lżšveldiš Ķsland are of the opinion that Britain and the Netherlands have breached these aforementioned fundamental rights of the EEA Agreement by their actions directed at Icelandic interests, starting in the autumn of 2008.

4.    On 8th October 2008, the British Government issued Order No.2668, called The Landsbanki Freezing Order 2008. The order was based on a law against terrorism and is called Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001.

5.    The freezing order was of such enormity that it was in fact directed against the whole Icelandic state and thus the entire Icelandic people. Following parties were specified as terrorists by the Freezing Order:
(a) Landsbanki Ķslands,
(b) Landsbanki Receivership Committee,
(c) Central Bank of Iceland,
(d) Icelandic Financial Services Authority,
(e) Government of Iceland.

6.    We maintain that besides breaching the EES Agreement, Britain is guilty of infringement of Icelandic jurisdiction, illegal economic coercion, illegal use of anti-terror legislation and violation of human rights. We furthermore maintain that Britain took part with the Netherlands in a conspiracy to deny Iceland access to international financial markets.
7.    We remind of the British military occupation of Iceland during 10th May 1940 – 7th July 1941. We also remind of the Cod Wars which Britain has regularly waged against Iceland. As a matter of fact, throughout the history of Iceland, Britain has frequently used forceful means to further its interests against Iceland, a nation which never has had any military defences.

8.    On 13th October 2008 the Amsterdam District Court (Rechtbank Amsterdam) ruled that since the Dutch branch of Landsbanki was without banking authorization it should be put under the administration of De Nederlansche Bank, which is the central bank of the Netherlands. The duration of the administration was decided to be 18 months.

9.    On 8th March 2010 the Amsterdam District Court dismissed an application by the DNB administrators of the Landsbanki branch to extend the term of administration. As a result, the regulations ceased to apply on March 13th 2010. It took the court 18 months to discover that the banking license of Landsbanki had not been revoked. The proclamations to this effect by DNB had been proven lies and Landsbanki had in fact held a banking license from 1886.

10.We maintain that the decision of the Amsterdam District Court on 13th October 2008 constituted an infringement of the jurisdiction of Iceland. As a consequence authorities in the Netherlands breached the EEA principles of “free movement of capital” and “the freedom to provide services”.
11.We furthermore maintain that the Netherlands took part with Britain in a conspiracy to deny Iceland access to international financial markets. It is documented that these states have used their access to the International Monetary Fund and the European Investment Bank to illegally deny Iceland financial loans and economic advice. These actions are additional breaches of the EEA principles.

We ask the EU Commission to consider our Inquiry and preliminary complaint concerning the illegal behaviour of Britain and the Netherlands against the Icelandic people. We have avoided detailing our accusations and forwarded only a few references to EEA laws and regulations. We consider the Commission capable of providing the legal references. However, if required we would be happy to provide a more detailed complaint.

Besides asking the Commission to undertake an investigation of our cases against Britain and the Netherlands, we also ask the Commission to prosecute these cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union. As with the investigation, we are more than willing to cooperate with the Commission in this respect.

Citizens of Iceland.


Loftur Altice Žorsteinsson                       Pétur Valdimarsson
Laugarįsvegur 4                                    Lękjarhvammur 20
104 Reykjavķk                                        220 Hafnarfjöršur
Iceland                                                  Iceland 

Eggert Gušmundsson, 7.7.2011 kl. 13:46

4 identicon


grjoni (IP-tala skrįš) 7.7.2011 kl. 17:56

5 Smįmynd: Ómar Geirsson

Takk kęrlega Eggert.

Og takk fyrir innlitiš grjoni.

Kvešja aš austan.

Ómar Geirsson, 7.7.2011 kl. 21:19

6 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Įsgeirsson

Frįbęr rökstušningur grjóni. Žaš er augljóst aš žś gengur undir réttnefni.

Gušmundur Įsgeirsson, 11.7.2011 kl. 22:49

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

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Ómar Geirsson


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